• Miminhos

    mundomeu on "Our" Love as parent…
    Maria on Carnaval I
    Caracol Azul on Carnaval I
    Cláudia on Carnaval I
    Mamã do martim on Carnaval I
  • February 2009
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Carnaval I

Muito o meu lindo bebequinho chorou ontem… embalei-o, até que adormeceu…

Como prometido aos meninos, tirámos fotos uns aos outros e vim publicar aqui…

O meu Robin dos Bosques, a minha Princesa linda, o meu Palhaçinho e para eu não me sentir “mal” a Bia decidiu que eu me mascarei como… a Mamã! lol

Aqui vão umas fotos… e quem gozar com as minhas leva e além do mais… snif snif… não durmo bem há 1 ano, deêm-me um desconto, plz…

Back :D

I can’t pump milk anymore!!! – PPPPFFFFTTTTT To the World!!! – With all this I lost it 😥

All of this happened in the worst possible time in my life, but I’m still here smiling… In reality, I realized that I’m beautiful, 30, with 4 children, I already overcame so much on my own… stronger even, so… Right now I’m kinda healthy lol and has lolng as there is health, our mind does miracles, right?

Called a breasteeding counselor and got some great tips on how to produce more milk… first one… relax and calm down… (if only she knew lol), second… lot’s of cuddling… smeling each other, lot’s of love… third one… women do this for millions of years, so… just give it time!!! – I’m more confident now, so, let’s see if it works… ahhh and tons of water, but that one I already do it 🙂

My older daughter… well, it has just began, but… things are on a good track and for now ther’s nothing else to be done, just give it time 🙂
Gui and Bia are soooo cute today… Robin Hood and my little Princess!! – I had a talk with them, and they are sad but confident.
My tiny innocent little baby… it feels like he knows and he cries so much… but I’m in mother goose mode, and I’m there before the last ‘h’ in the “ahhhh” 🙂
Unbelievable… 4 months and babies sence so much already!!!

Next week I have 4 more things to do… all scheduled already 🙂

Because I still exist hehe, I went to the hairdresser last week… I have a brand new haircut that I really like… yesterday I went to the salon again and did my hair, eyebrows and makeup 🙂
I really feel good about myself!! – I deserved it!

Ohh and to top it off, got lot’s of the other gender attention… “me was” happy yesterday hehe
A friend gave me lot’s of neclaces and bracelets… I love them!

The only downside of all this, is that I’m having a hard time sleeping… but that’s life, can’t do anything about it and no one helps me in that “department”…

I truly believe that in less then a week, I went through, saw, felt, overcame, decided so MUCHHHH… it could be over already, no? – Off course not… I could really use some understanding and a vacation!!!

So… this post is to “voice” my feelings and to let people that love me, know that I’m better!

There’s nothing that can’t be solved, only death… like a friend said last week 🙂

Lot’s of kisses!!!!

And one elephant shoe to a certain someone…